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There are three levels of VSHE Membership:
Healthcare    $25.00 annual dues
Affiliate          $130.00 annual dues
Student          $15.00 annual dues
Your membership expires 1 year from your sign-up date.
You will recieve a renewal notice 2 weeks before your expiration date.

Healthcare Member

Individuals eligible for this level of membership shall be actively employed in a facilities management capacity at a health care facility. Such membership shall extend their assistants, supervisory personnel, or other facilities management related fields. Members in this category are eligible to vote and hold office on the Board of Directors. Only members of this category can hold the office of “President” or “Vice-President” on the Board of Directors.


Affiliate Member

Individuals eligible for this level of membership are those who provide professional, technical construction, consulting services and vendors who provide products or other services to members. Affiliate Members shall have full participation privileges including the right to vote and hold office on the Board of Directors. 


Student Member

Individuals eligible for this level shall those pursuing a degree in an accredited college or university consistent with facilities management, or any other discipline represented by the society. Student Members shall have full participation privileges except the right to vote and hold office on the Board of Directors.



VSHE Membership

Do you have additional VSHE membership questions? Please contact VSHE Membership Chairman, Jerry Baker.


Click here to download the VSHE W9

© 2016 by The Virginia Society of Healthcare Engineers

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